
For a full list of publications see Google Scholar.

[11] P. Gulati, F. Caballero, I. Kolvin, Z. You, M. C. Marchetti. Nonreciprocal interactions drive capillary waves in active liquid crystals. See on arxiv (2024).

[10] L. Zhao, P. Gulati, F. Caballero, I. Kolvin, R. Adkins, M. C. Marchetti & Z. Dogic. Asymmetric fluctuations and self-folding of active interfaces. See on arxiv (2024).

[9] F. Caballero. cuPSS: a package for pseudo-spectral integration of stochastic PDEs. See on arxiv (2024).

[8] F. Caballero, Z. You & M. C. Marchetti. Vorticity phase separation and defect lattices in the isotropic phase of active liquid crystals. Soft Matter 19 (40), 7828-7835. See on arxiv (2023).

[7] A. M. Tayar, F. Caballero, T. Anderberg, O. A. Saleh, M. C. Marchetti & Z. Dogic. Controlling liquid-liquid phase behavior with an active fluid. Nat. Materials 22 (11), 1401-1408. See on arxiv (2022).

[6] F. Caballero & M. C. Marchetti. Activity suppressed phase separation. Phys. Rev. Lett 129 (26), 268002. See on arxiv (2022).

[5] R. Adhikari, A. Bolitho, F. Caballero, M. E. Cates, J. Dolezal, T. Ekeh, J. Guioth, R. L. Jack, J. Kappler, L. Kikuchi, H. Kobayashi, Y. I. Li, J. D. Peterson, P. Pietzonka, B. Remez, P. B. Rohrbach, R. Singh, G. Turk. Inference, prediction and optimization of non-pharmaceutical interventions using compartment models: the PyRoss library. arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.09625 (2020).

[4] F. Caballero & M. E. Cates. Stealth Entropy Production in Active Field Theories near Ising Critical Points. Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 240604 (2020). See on arxiv.

[3] F. Caballero. Critical dynamics of active phase separation: A scalar field theory approach. PhD Thesis (2020)

[2] F. Caballero, C. Nardini & M. E. Cates. From bulk to microphase separation in scalar active matter: a perturbative renormalization group analysis. J. Stat. Mech. 123208 (2018). See on arxiv.

[1] F. Caballero, C. Nardini, F. van Wijland & M. E. Cates. Strong Coupling in Conserved Surface Roughening: A New Universality Class? Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 020601 (2018). See on arxiv.